So you want it right away? or live a little further afield... I've got you!
Here's your 'instant download'/ print at home version of this Zine... you'll be emailed a zip file with the zine as a one page PDF file, accompanied by a jpeg file showing you how to fold your page to make it into a zine.
Hello my love, Femmedalas are a celebration of the female body, of feminine energy, and all of those wibbly wobbly parts of our amazing bodies, this little zine is a mindful invitation to decorate, elaborate and celebrate those parts in multi-colour glory!
A part of my new "Femmedala" series, which takes the beautiful artistic, spiritual, and therapeutic elements of the ancient mandala process, with a pinch of modern day feminine power, self-discovery, mixed in with a validating appreciation for the female form, to create these wibbly wobbly, highly feminine, far from delicate, patterns. A visual delight that continues to offer, as you allow yourself to notice more. My Femmedalas represent my own journey (spiritual or other), learning to understand and deepen my connection to myself, my own body, mind, history, as well as my connection to other beings.
For this colouring-in zine, I had to fight all my inner urges to fill the space completely, to leave you room to add to, with paints, crayons, scrap paper, biro, sharpie; what ever fills you with joy, or you have to hand... lately I keep using highlighters. Each of the six designs was created specially for this zine, some are bolder and simpler with more space to fill, and others are more intricate and chaotic - full of secrets and places to hide things. It's play, and it's yours...
If this resonates, then maybe it's meant for you, or someone you love.
Available to download & print at home; in A6 (recommended) and A7 (a more... intimate size).
I'm not really into the whole not seeing what's inside the zine before I buy it vibe... so I've showed you as much as possible, so you're sure it's what you want.
Want a physical copy delivered in the UK?? select this option
Specifics:Designed on photoshop
Created to be printed in CYMK (recommended)
PDF download, for printing at home
Recommend to print on shinier thin card types for easier colouring & folding.
When printed on A4 it folds down A7
When printed on A3 it folds down A6
for personal use only: not to be sold, duplicated or published - fine to print an extra copy for your mum or bestie, just please don't be a d*ck...
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